Photo:Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen/© Rein de Jong

Photo:Geldersch Landschap & Kasteelen/© Rein de Jong
The Canopy"
A special four-poster bed that stood in Rosendael castle for 250 years, returns in a very special way to the castle. Dutch Igloo combined the techniques Peppersghost and Videomapping for 'A Heavenly Bed'. This unique combination has not been shown before. It makes it possible to show the four-poster bed in changing decors and thus also in different times. This allows a lot of information to be told and visualized in a very short time frame.
"The Queens Screen"
For the Kings Room we rebuild a folding screen in the huge and actual size it was put there in the 17th century. On this screen we show an animation we made to show the story of this very special gift from King Willem III and queen Mary II to Jan en Janne Margriete van Arnhem.
In cooperation with: Jorien jas, conservator Gelderse kastelen, Sander Kasbergen

Making of